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Spring (1988)


eine Collage aus Ovo Maltines Video-Collection

"It’s not about
how a drag queen moves,
it’s what she sets in motion."
(Ovo Maltine)

{Title} Ovo’s Birthday 1988

These are Lina’s shoes, and also Lina’s skirt.
It’s Dorothee’s necklace and Ilse’s stockings.

{Title} BeV fashion at Offline 1988

{Title} Petra fashion at the Gay Center (Schwuz) 1988

{Title} BeV fashion at Offline 1989

{Title} NARCISSUS AND ECHO (1988/89)

Three Ladies: Cheersy, cheersy, ...

Heartfield (1990/91)

Woman off: Art is dead, that’s why there’s Dada.

Ovo off: Dada, Dada, Dada can’t be explained at all, I’m telling you.

Ovo: Dada is everywhere. Dada is in your ears, your hands, your jacket.

Ovo off: Everything is full of Dada.


funeral orator: But even a brief live has its ending. In such moments we look for - answers: How, what, why?
The cycle of life demands its tribute.

{Intertitle} A woman shall not wear menswear,...

{Intertitle} ...and a man shall not wear womenswear.



Tima off: Welcome to "Lay it on Thick - Old Hags Uncensored."

Ovo: Maybe you think we’re female impersonators. But that’s not true. We’re gay men in dresses, so we’re drag queens, and we’d like to welcome you to our little drag show!
To start, we’d like to show you what actually makes a drag queen.

Voila, a woman!

{Intertitle} Liebe - Sünde (1994) Transgressive Love (TV show)

Matthias Frings: The Queer. The Drag Queen. The Cliché.

{Song} Cindy, oh Cindy...

All: Drag queen day!

Speaker: Nowadays, drag queens get paid very poorly for their shows. So they make ends meet with cleaning and bartending. Which makes it even more admirable that these ladies spend their free time on AIDS self-help groups. They wear away their high heels, while average homos kill time at the gym.


Ichgola: We’re open! Come on in!
All: G’drag day, Ms Gansmann-Seipel.
Ichgola: Have a seat!
Bev: Or a sweet?
Desiree Nick: No no... g’day!

{Intertitle} anders-rum (1994) The Other Side (TV show)

Ovo: Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. We’ve written a song about HIV.

BeV: And with a wonderful choreography made of current drag queen hand movements.

{Song} HIV belongs to me, like my name on the door.

David Wilms off: You’ve known for two years that you’re HIV positive. What’s changed for you since then?

Ovo: I’ve become more aware, and since I now know I’m positive myself, I’ve started to scrutinize the topic of AIDS anew. And I’ve been thinking about how the prospects look with AIDS. And I think there is a future. For example, healthcare standards need to be re-considered, and our medical system too.

Ovo: We learned in New York that you need to bring it to the people, to the masses. And it’s urgent to make people understand that AIDS isn’t just a gay problem, it concerns everyone. The whole world is involved with sex!

Ovo: Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. If I could have your attention for a moment. I’d like to introduce you to Adele.

{Intertitle} tip-TV (1995)

Speaker: Ovo Maltine finishes up, still 30 minutes until showtime, and then the make-up’s done. Being onstage is the biggest thrill for him and his partner BeV StroganoV. The screaming drag duo is well-known in Berlin’s nightlife. It’s been a long time since they broke out of the gay ghetto. Ovo and BeV want to reach a wider audience. And it’s a reality: tonight at the Roter Salon of the Volksbühne, the audience is mostly hetero culture vultures.

Speaker: ...the Berliner Lighthouse!

{Song} What will be in seven years? Will you not leave me? Will you still be with me?

Speaker: Berlin and Brandenburg need more than just one AIDS hospice!

{Intertitle} AIDS - SIDA ARTE-TV (1996)

Sabine Christiansen: We have new guests for our second round. Let’s talk a bit about "care and support"; first let’s welcome Ovo Maltine, here in Berlin. Support in the broadest sense; as an artist in Berlin and also personally, you’ve been a very active supporter of a hospice project.

Ovo: It’s called "Lighthouse", which is our inspiration. Sailors take guidance from a lighthouse, which is exactly what the German healthcare system should do, take guidance from the idea behind it. Because it’s becoming obvious that there’s a "gap in coverage". Of course we can’t fill it ourselves with this project. But we can show it’s only the visible tip of the iceberg. There are people who have no home, no family and no friends, who still deserve the human dignity of support and care.

{Intertitle} Querstraße (1997)

Wibke Bruns: This Saturday, on 17 May, there will be a vernissage at the Academy of Art. This date is no accident; 17/5 refers to the infamous Criminal Code Paragraph 175, which heavily penalizes homosexuality.

Speaker: ...from a certain Ovo Maltine.

Ovo off: Through the courtyard to the show, then downstairs. And no drinks please...

Ovo: ...no smoking, no cameras, and no pissing in the corner!

{Title} 100 Years of the Gay Movement (1997)

{Title} Tima Fashion at the Academy of Art, 1997

Ovo: Yes, ladies and gentlemen, that was HOMO 2000, the companion program at the Academy of Art, which is marking 100 years of the gay movement. Today you’ve seen a lot of movement, including unique combinations of movement and fashion, movement and dresses.

xxx Rahmenprogramm

{Intertitle} HANS MEISER (1997)

Hans Meiser: He might not look like it, but his name is Ovo Maltine, from Berlin. Welcome!

Ovo: Hello, dearest humanity!

Hans Meiser: You say you’re a "Cabaret Queen", what is that then?

Ovo: Drag queens are gay men in dresses, but it’s not necessarily a women’s dress, since drag queens don’t have any tits, so they don’t need any darts sewn in...

Hans Meiser: If there are any words you don’t understand, you can call our hotline at 031314x, our staff will explain everything. Yes, go on!

Ovo: Ever since that Israeli Transgender won the Eurovision contest, I believe in miracles, and that Germany needs me...!

{Title} Election 98

Ovo: ...because there’s a lack of creativity. Besides, it’s not something I just thought up yesterday. I’ve already been very political for the last 10 years, because I define myself as a drag queen!

Speaker: Make-up for a cause: Ovo Maltine is a candidate in the federal elections this autumn. He’s courting the votes of his kindred spirits. He’s also giving his full, physical engagement to the campaign.

Ovo: Walking in circles is the choreography. A drag queen naturally uses choreography, and that was just one element, we’ll put in more elements later today.

Speaker: Ovo Maltine: definitely the most unusual politician in Germany!

Ovo: So I stand there and say: I’m representing the sexual rebels, crossdressers, transgenders, gender benders, diesel dykes, and so on.

Host off: Well that was different.

Ovo: I always emphasize that being gay is certainly not my only feature. I’m also a Rhinelander, a welfare recipient, HIV positive, I’ve lived in Schöneberg for 11 years, and- I talk a lot.
So being gay isn’t everything for me, and it’s also not the only reason why I’d enter politics.

{Title} Queens Don't Cry (2001/2002)

Ovo: Now that I’ve gotten rid of the Berlin Wall, it’s time to teach them in Bonn how to behave when the capital moves here to Berlin.

Ovo off: They were afraid of me.

Ovo: Ströbele really thought I’d get the 3000 votes he needed to win.

Ovo: Ovo get’s a post in Bonn because we vote for Christoph Josten.

Ovo: I stood for the fact that people should move their butts and vote.

Ovo off: It’s better for a voter to give his vote to Ovo Maltine than not to vote at all.

Rosa von Praunheim: You only got 523 votes.

Ovo: That’s a lot! That’s more than inhabitants in the village where I was born. There I’d have had 100% and would be mayor!

Ovo off: Just outside the village. There are 6 children in our family. I’m the 6th.

Ovo: I wasn’t curious at all and I wanted to stay right there.
I was with mother. That was enough for me.

Ovo: That’s how I came to Berlin. I had dreadlocks back then. Still have one. So pretty, still with a bit of curliness. That’s very nice.

{Title} Ovo Maltine 2003 (student film)

Interviewer: Did you still have sex with other men after being infected?

Ovo: Of course! What do you think?!

Ovo: I want a man and a house... Ah! I’d like a man with a house and garden near Berlin.
And maybe a dog.

Ovo: This is a family plot, which is a good thing, or a consolation, that in the future, even after death, I’ll have my chosen family, which gives me a certain security here in the big city. And also a kind of safety net to catch me. That’s what all this represents. So I won’t be here all alone, and that’s a great thing to know.

{Title} Goldmund Lounge (1 Dec 2000)

{Title} Ovo reads from "Narcissus and Goldmund"

Ovo: "Oh - and if this entire life
would have meaning
only when both could be achieved,
if life was not divided
by this meager "either-or".
To create, without paying with your life.
To live, without abstaining from
the nobility of creativity.
Was this then impossible?!"
Who knows, we’re still guessing!
So much for Hermann Hesse.

Three Ladies: Cheersy, cheersy, ...

"It’s not about
how a drag queen moves,
it’s what she sets in motion."
(Ovo Maltine)

for Ovo (1966-2005)

Film excerpts:

TV excerpts:

{translation: Wayne Yung}