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Lebenslauf | curriculum vitae

Lebende Bilder - still lives

Identical twin brother stillborn. Since then studies in Philosophy.

1959-79 in Münster, 1979-82 in Freiburg and Rom (history of art indeed and unfortunetly even law), since 1982 in Berlin (hired out as furniture- and coffin porter). Beside jobs as an extra in real films (for real money) also appearances as minor supporting actor (e.g. as the 'man with the watering-can' in »Sudden and Unexpected - A Déjà Revue«). 1991 Master Student (We don't learn for school, but for life. We don't work for a living, but for eternity.) Since 1977 imitations, since 1979 animations (copyart-serials, happenings and performances). Since 1981 'Lebende Bilder - vivid images' (films, video and multimedia-projekts).

The artist lives and works.

(MB for »SUDDEN AND UNEXPECTED - An Inter-Action Movie, 1997)


curriculum vitae from »THE STATICS - Engineering Memory Bridges«

Lebenslauf aus »PLÖTZLICH UND UNERWARTET - ein Mitspielfilm«

PLÖTZLICH UND UNERWARTET - ein Mitspielfilm | SUDDEN AND UNEXPECTED - an Inter-Action Movie
work in progress | 1993...95...97... | CD-ROM + Film
(nonlinearer Film für interaktive Medien) | (nonlinear film for interactive media)